Mohs and Skin Cancer

Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Treatment of Skin Cancer in Chevy Chase, Maryland

A cancer diagnosis is never news you want to receive. However, news that you’re able to receive Mohs surgery for skin cancer can help you rest a little more assured that your cancer is treatable. Mohs, the gold standard when it comes to treatment for two of the most common types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), has nearly a 100% cure rate.

What Is Mohs Surgery for Skin Cancer?

Mohs surgery, also referred to as Mohs micrographic surgery, is a remarkable treatment that was developed nearly 100 years ago but is still the most advanced way to treat certain skin cancers. When Mohs surgery is performed, you will most likely be awake and given a local anesthetic via injection.

Your surgeon begins by cutting out skin cancer that is visible, followed by a very thin layer of the surrounding tissue. You’re then bandaged while your doctor examines skin cells for cancer. If they do not find any in the surrounding skin, you’re done! If they do, they will progressively remove one thin layer at a time until microscopic testing shows there is no cancer remaining. 

Why Choose Mohs for Skin Cancer Treatment?

Mohs surgery allows your doctor to operate with precision, leaving the least noticeable scar behind, in addition to ensuring that all of the cancerous cells are removed. The surrounding healthy tissues remain free from harm. Mohs is completed in just one visit, so you don’t have to wait for further testing after treatment to find out whether you’re cancer free.

Am I a Good Candidate for Mohs if I Have Skin Cancer?

Mohs can be performed nearly anywhere on the body, even in the most discreet locations, so if you suffer from BCC or SCC, you may be a good candidate. To find out if Mohs skin cancer surgery is right for you, you should speak with your oncologist.

If you suspect you may have skin cancer or would like to find out if you’re an ideal candidate after a BCC or SCC diagnosis, contact Dr. Cronin today at 301-986-1880 to learn more about becoming cancer free with Mohs!