Pulsed Dye Laser

Vbeam Perfecta Laser Treatment in Chevy Chase, Maryland

Revolutionary Vbeam Perfecta, a pulsed-dye laser, utilizes gentle bursts of light to treat irritating skin irregularities, such as acne and acne scarring, warts, stretch marks, psoriasis, and many other dermatological concerns. You can beautify in a way you never thought possible if chronic skin issues haven’t responded to any other treatment.

Why Choose Vbeam Perfecta?

Vbeam Perfecta sends micro-pulses and intense pulses of light into the treated area deep into the epidermis of the skin. It only takes about 15 to 20 minutes and doesn’t cause any damage to the surrounding tissues. There’s no downtime after treatment, very minimal side effects, and it can treat so many skin conditions at the same time. You can completely rejuvenate with Vbeam!

What Does Vbeam Perfecta Feel Like?

Most patients experience only mild discomfort and describe the sensation as feeling like the snap of a rubber band. After treatment, you may feel like you have a mild sunburn in the treated area, but that sensation should go away within four to eight hours. Redness and swelling after treatment are also common.

When Will I See Vbeam Perfecta Laser Results?

It can take up to eight weeks for results to become evident, though many people see results in as little as four weeks. You may need multiple treatments for optimal results, as each session improves your appearance by 25% to 75%. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Vbeam Perfecta?

You may be a good candidate for Vbeam if you are an adult over the age of 21 who desires smoother, clearer, more youthful skin and has realistic expectations about treatment outcome. Currently, Vbeam Perfecta is not recommended for those with dark skin tones, as the increase in skin pigment can make it less effective.

Ready to learn more about the remarkable Vbeam laser skin treatment? Contact our office today to book a consultation with Dr. Cronin for Vbeam Perfecta. It’s time to finally treat those unwanted skin imperfections including facial veins and acne once and for all!