Resurfacing Lasers

Laser Skin Resurfacing in Chevy Chase, Maryland

Can you eliminate the unwanted signs of aging – wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin – with just one non-surgical cosmetic treatment? Yes, with cutting-edge lasers such as the Contour TRL, MicroLaserPeel, and NanoLaserPeel that offer skin resurfacing!

Why Choose Laser Skin Resurfacing? 

In addition to rejuvenation with laser skin resurfacing, it offers many more possibilities when it comes to amazing skin. You can say goodbye to acne scars, hyperpigmentation, poor skin tone, and texture, and many other dermatological concerns. With precision, laser resurfacing can treat even the most delicate areas, promoting new collagen formation for clearer, blemish-free, youthful skin.

What Does Skin Resurfacing With Lasers Feel Like?

The sensation you experience during skin resurfacing with lasers is dependent on the laser used, the location of your treatment area, the depth of treatment, and your pain tolerance. Your laser specialist may use topical anesthetics to make you more comfortable. Many patients describe the sensation of a rubber band snap or mild sunburn.

When Will I See Results From Resurfacing Lasers? 

You will start to see improvement in your skin within about a week. Because lasers help heal your skin from within, it takes time to see full results, which are typically visible within three to six months.

Am I A Good Candidate for Laser Skin Resurfacing? 

You might be a great candidate for laser skin resurfacing if you suffer from unwanted skin imperfections, including fine lines and wrinkles and acne scarring. Ideal candidates have realistic expectations about results and do not have active acne, deep wrinkles, or very dark skin tones. To determine whether this sensational treatment is right for you, talk to a dermatologist specializing in lasers.

Renowned dermatologist, Dr. Cronin offers laser treatments sure to beautify! Contact us today at 301-986-1880 to book an appointment with Dr. Cronin to learn more about laser skin rejuvenation in city for firmer, tighter, more youthful skin!